October 5, 2023

building course assist

Building a mobile app (Course Assist) Part 3: Adding chat functionality powered by MinChat.

Chat functionality is something found in almost every type of application we see today. Be it a social media platform like Instagram, a freelance platform like Fiverr or even a video chat service like Zoom or Google meet, chat functionality is something found in all of them. Chat functionality essentially enables users of the app …

Building a mobile app (Course Assist) Part 3: Adding chat functionality powered by MinChat. Read More »

building course assist

Building a mobile app (Course Assist) Part 2: Setting up real-time data transfer functionality using SocketIO

From the time Course Assist was just an idea in my head early last year I’ve known adding web sockets to the project will be an absolute headache. That was until a few weeks ago when I had a light bulb moment 💡and realised I could easily set it up without finishing every painkiller in …

Building a mobile app (Course Assist) Part 2: Setting up real-time data transfer functionality using SocketIO Read More »